Cellphone Zombies Art and Music

This collection captures the disquieting shift towards a world dominated by technology, where human connections are being lost. Swirling vortexes of colour convey feelings of disconnection and isolation, while haunting landscapes feature silhouettes of people glued to their phones, their faces lit only by screen glow. Vibrant representations of once-thriving spaces now empty and silent highlight the absence of meaningful interaction, while frenzied cityscapes overrun by cellphone-wielding zombies capture the sense of chaos and disorientation. Other paintings depict a decline in genuine human connection, as stages are replaced with empty seats and distant screens, and faces freeze in trance-like states, surrounded by swirling patterns of digital noise.

Print and Mint this Collection

The paintings in the "Cellphone Zombies" collection can be minted on objkt.com or printed on pixels.com.  There is only one edition of each mintable Music and Art NFT in this collection. Paintings are 6000 x 6000 pixels, suitable for printing or projecting on buildings. Music from this collection can be licensed for commercial use on Pond5.com

All Music, video and images are free-to-use and are licensed as CC BY-NC 4.0 (Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International). Attribution: Salt Spring Studios Ltd.

Listen to and mint Cellphone Zombies

This song reflects on the changing times, lamenting the loss of human connection and genuine interaction in a world dominated by technology. It recalls a past era where people would walk together, say hello, and enjoy each other's company, but now everyone is glued to their phones, losing touch with reality and those around them.

Mint Conversational Void

Conversational Void - A vibrant, abstract representation of a once-thriving restaurant, now empty and silent, with splashes of bright colours and swirling patterns conveying the absence of meaningful human interaction.

Mint Disappearing Act

Disappearing Act - An ethereal, dreamlike landscape where people once walked and interacted with each other, now dissolving into misty backgrounds, symbolizing the erasure of human connection in a world dominated by technology.

Mint Glazed Over

Glazed Over - A painting of faces frozen in a trance-like state, their eyes glazed over as they stare at screens, surrounded by swirling patterns of digital noise, capturing the numbness and disconnection of cellphone addiction.

Mint Lost in the Crowd

Lost in the Crowd - A swirling vortex of blue and grey hues, with fragmented figures dissolving into the background, representing the sense of disconnection and isolation in a world dominated by cellphones.

Mint Noise Pollution

Noise Pollution - A cacophonous mix of bright colours and jagged shapes, reflecting the constant din of cellphones in public spaces, overwhelming the senses and drowning out meaningful communication.

Mint Staged Reality

Staged Reality - An abstract depiction of a theatre stage, where actors once performed for live audiences, now replaced with empty seats and distant screens, highlighting the shift from genuine human connection to virtual reality.

Mint The Lost Art of Conversation

The Lost Art of Conversation - A painting of fragmented words and phrases, torn from their original context and swirling around empty spaces, highlighting the decline of meaningful communication in favour of virtual interactions.

Mint The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead - A haunting landscape of grey and black tones, featuring eerie silhouettes of people glued to their phones, their faces lit only by the glow of screens, evoking a sense of desolation and apathy.

Mint Wonderful Day... Gone?

Wonderful Day... Gone? - A nostalgic representation of a past era, with warm colours and soft shapes evoking memories of carefree days spent walking and interacting with others, now replaced by a sense of disconnection and emptiness in the modern world.

Mint Zombie Apocalypse

Zombie Apocalypse - A frenzied, chaotic painting of a cityscape overrun by cell-phone-wielding zombies, their faces distorted in a blur of pixels, capturing the sense of chaos and disorientation in a world consumed by technology.

Cellphone Zombies.pdf